Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quran Burning???

First, let me say that I have only heard about the article. I have not seen it or have had time to read it; so, I might be way off base in even talking about this. I have heard, on the other hand, that there is a pastor that plans on burning a copy of the Quran as his sort of support of the Christian faith... Oh the things that have been done for the sake of Christianity... In this article, I have heard that our president disagrees with this action. If that is the case, then good for him. I don't agree with it either. I have a friend that says that an action like this, burning the Muslim Holy book, would only spur a greater hatred of Americans, and it would further encourage Muslims to engage in extremists actions.

What ever happened to loving our neighbor? I know this may be the "Stupid Christian Answer," but we complain about illegal Mexicans stealing our jobs. We can help but look down at every olive skinned individual. In this country we have stereotyped Christianity, in most part, to being a Bible-thumping, staunch republican. Then, we look away from anything else that doesn't fit this mold. When is this all going stop? I'm sure few will read this, if any at all, but something has to change in the Christian culture. We are the examples of the love, compassion, and the grace of Christ. Sometimes, I don't think it shows. We are becoming more and more about ourselves and less and less about other people, it seems.

We complain about and avoid people that are different than us and we don't reach out with the love of Christ. Great...

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